Saturday, June 24, 2006

Set to Sail

We made it to Copenhagen! Unfortunately, a major piece of my luggage did not. But thats okay; if it doesn't show up in Sweden, I'll just make due. Of course, it is the bag with my new Talbots, Coldwater Creek, and other purchases. AND my dress shoes for formal night tomorrow night.

The flight over was uneventful. First class is THE way to fly to Europe. And Scandinavian Airlines is wonderful. I still didn't sleep much on the trip (played video games instead,) so I'm pretty tired now. But I think I'll sleep well tonight.

Sure wishing I had packed more Hershey bars... maybe the girls will bring a big bag when they meet me in Paris...

Ship pulls out of the harbor in less than an hour. Gotta go meet friends and toast the coastline as we pull away. Bon Voyage.

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Countdown to our European Adventure

Next week at this time, I'll be arriving in Copenhagen for the start of our European Adventures! There is a ton of work to prepare for a monthlong "vacation." The cruise portion of the trip is taking care of itself; I only have to show up with luggage and passport. The land portion (where I meet up with Megan and Sydney and travel through France, Switzerland, and Italy) is a tad more complicated. Hotels in 5 cities, rail passes, museum tickets, and car rental are reserved. I still need to figure out where we'll stay in Geneva. And I have to figure out the train schedule. And a quick lesson in French and Italian wouldn't hurt. Thank goodness Sydney knows French; it may save us in Paris. I don't know how much posting I'll do, but I'll attempt to keep track of our adventures via this blog; anyone who is remotely interested can check in and see how its going. I'll also post the link to the princess cruise line; they have a web cam from the deck of our ship, The Star Princess. Occasionally you can see the port where the ship is docked; keep in mind the time difference or you'll just see water or darkness. So, back to packing and organizing--and then LET THE FUN BEGIN!

Monday, June 12, 2006

If this drug works....Priceless

Megan's first week on topotecan and thalidomide was uneventful. I'd take her to the oncologist's office, sit and watch the poison drip into her arm (thinking the whole time, "let it get the cancer, let it get the cancer."), and an hour or so later, I'd return to the condo in Salt Lake. These drugs aren't nearly as toxic as the taxol/carbo--I just hope they work. We have had a bugger of a time getting the thalidomide. And man, oh man, is it expensive!!!!! Albertson's pharmacy's price was $6800 per month; insurance pays 70-80%, depending on if its considered generic or not. But my hunter husband was able to locate the drug at Huntsman Cancer Institute and it was $1700. We're unclear as to whether the insurance pays the same percentage there. It is insane! But my fearless husband and his merry band of employees are on the case. Either way, we'll get the drug; hey--isn't that what credit cards are made for????

One day of poison dripped into daughter's arm--$10,000
One month of thalidomide------------------------$6,800
One more year of health------------------------Priceless

Friday, June 09, 2006

Welcome to the 21st Century

Well, it seems I have moved into the 21st century. Blogging--what a concept. From this title, you get the idea of what is helping me make it through hell. Megan's illness has taken its toll. In the past year, she has grown up; and I have grown old...and fat. Heck, if I have to eat a bag of chocolates to stay sane, so be it. So, here's my first post. I'll add more as life warrants it. Now onto a nice merlot...