Friday, October 31, 2008

Halloween Party

The annual Spice Girls Bunko Halloween party was last night. Oh, what fun. Lots of creative costumes and time spent with some great gals.

Here's me in my prize winning, fat ballerina costume...
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Lets see, also in attendance: a whoopie cushion, a fat chef, a very sexy Bo Peep, and my personal favorite, Paradise (a pair of dice, get it?)

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Got a JOB!

Yikes...what have I gotten myself into? I just got hired by Deer Valley Resort. I'll be in reservations, booking private and group ski lessons. The commitment is only 3 days a week, and I'm not sure I'm up for it. I know I'll enjoy the interaction with the other employees and the guests from out of town, and I know I really need to be doing something other than obsessing about life. But I'm not sure about getting up early in the mornings. Oh, how I hate to second guess myself... I start training November 19th...

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Some things never change

This came by way of an email. Don't know if the source is true, but if it is... wouldn't that be something?
The budget should be balanced, the Treasury should be refilled, public debt should be reduced, the arrogance of officialdom should be tempered and controlled, and the assistance to foreign lands should be curtailed lest Rome become bankrupt. People must again learn to work, instead of living on public assistance.

-- Cicero , 55 BC

Monday, October 27, 2008

Makes No Sense

I spent yesterday afternoon at a friend's husband's memorial service. By all accounts, he was a smart, kind, gentle man. But, for reasons unknown to most, he didn't think his life was worth living and decided to end it all. He left behind a grieving wife and two heartbroken children. His son is a Marine helicopter pilot, set to be married next month and then deploy to Iraq; his daughter is a college graduate, just starting her adult life.

I can't figure out how there are people who will fight so hard for life and there are others who just throw it all away. It is such a mystery why some people just can't appreciate this incredible gift of life. Actually, it sorta hacks me off! The logical side of my brain understands that depression is as much a disease as heart disease or cancer and left untreated it is just as deadly--but why didn't he get help!?! Why didn't he seek treatment!?! I know what we would give to save a life; why didn't he see what he had? Just makes me sad...

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

More Cancer News

Who's tired of cancer talk? Then skip this post... its all I've got.

Just heard from Megan and Kevin. They've been in Houston for her monthly check up at MD Anderson. Yesterday was spent in clinic doing blood work, chest x-rays, CT scans and other fun stuff. Today was her day with the doctor. Her magnesium is a tad low (what a shocker...sarcasm), CA 125 went down slightly, from 149 to 143, and here's the biggie... drum roll please...

some of the tumor nodules in her lungs have disappeared and the tumor they are monitoring in her gyn. tract went down to less than 1 cm! Huge news! Big applause! Standing ovation!

Seriously, this is not a cure all. But it is the most hopeful news we've had in quite a while. This experimental drug might be the time buyer we've prayed for... Its hard to believe that after the horrible summer we had--a summer when I seriously thought I was going to lose my child before fall arrived--it looks as though we'll get to have a full out holiday season!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Today was the annual Friends of the Library Luncheon. The speaker was Carolyn Jessop, the woman whose plight to escape polygamy made national headlines. She's been on Oprah and some of the morning talk shows. What an incredible woman! She was visibly nervous which made her story so much more authentic. After growing up in such a closed society, it was completely believeable that she would still be nervous before a group from "the outside." Of course, I would like to think our little "friends" group would be less intimidating than Oprah, but you never know...

I've ordered the book, "Escape", and can't wait for it to arrive. My friends who have already read it said it is quite the page turner.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Not so Manic Monday

I know its customary to hate Mondays. But I'm really starting to like them--alot. Its always the day I'm going to start my diet and its always the day I'm going to start exercising. And last week I did... and this week I did. By Tuesday, well, diets and exercise regiments usually go to hell by Tuesday.

Another reason I'm starting to like Mondays--I have the house to myself. KB's cell phone is not ringing, no one is asking what I want to have for breakfast, lunch, etc, I can watch whatever I want on tv or (and this is really the best) I can have complete and utter silence. Oh silence--the sound of peace.

So today will be filled with mundance tasks. Running to the library to donate some books, doing a little bill-paying on the rental properties, sorting laundry, maybe even going through a few boxes of clothes. I love mundance tasks--especially on a cold, almost snowy day like this wonderful Monday.

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Trip to Yellowstone

Kevin and I went to Jackson Hole and Yellowstone last weekend. What a great time of year! Perfect weather, gorgeous leaves, no huge crowds. It was great to get away for just a bit--not exactly Hawaii (which we had to cancel AGAIN this year...) but it was still relaxing.

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Friday, October 03, 2008

Just a quick catch up...

For my 2 1/2 readers:

The summer has flown by. Fall has arrived. And yes, I haven't posted anything since May. Although much has happend.

So--a short summary:

Summer was tough for Megan and us. We really thought we were losing her in July/August. We flew with her to DC to the National Institute of Health's Cancer Institute. After a couple of days of complete inefficiency, they determined that Megan didn't fit the trials in which we were interested. Seriously, from the bus driver to the attending physician and almost everyone in between, Megan had a bad feeling. So we came home feeling very dejected. But then that four letter word "hope" raised its head again and really smart folks from right here in Utah came up with a procedure that eliminated the pain and pressure. (Many thanks to Dr. Zempolich at St. Marks and Dr. Adler at U of Utah and their collaborative spirit.) She stabilized enough for us to bring her to M D Anderson in Houston. She qualified for a clinical trial and has been on this new drug for about 6 weeks. So far, so good. She's been back once and the tumor they are following has shrunk 25%.

Sydney spent the summer looking for work. She's finally employed by CASA (court appointed special advocates) training volunteers who advocate for kids in foster care. Not alot of pay, but it is rewarding in other ways. And it is good experience.

I'm debating going back to work. Things have stabilized around here, but I'm constantly waiting for the other shoe to drop. Getting out of the house would probably help keep my mind off crap. I know I could work in the ski industry again, but I really don't think I need the aggravation of working holidays and weekends. Since feeling valued is more of an issue than money, I think I'll look around and see what looks fun.

So, maybe I'll try and do better with this posting stuff; maybe someone will read this stuff; maybe someone will even leave a comment or two. Who knows...