Monday, November 10, 2008

Back Stage Pass

Kevin and I had the opportunity to go back stage at last week's Collin Ray concert. It was a very small venue, probably 200 seats, so it was very intimate and comfortable. The acoustics were fabulous. And to be able to go back and meet the singer...well it was alot more than I expected. He was as down to earth and sweet as we could have hoped.

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Thursday, November 06, 2008

Another afghan finished


Our group, the Loosely Knit Group, tries to do an afghan a month. The recipient is decided before we start. Its usually a patient going through chemotherapy. Every person thinks about or prays for the recipient and then they get the blanket knowing that this community has kept them in prayer during their journey. We've also done blankets for families who have lost loved ones. We just want to wrap them in love and good thoughts and the blanket is a physical manifestation of those sentiments.

This is the most recent afghan that we've completed. We got together Monday and put our "squares" together. Someone else will crochet the border. It is going to a local teacher who is battling colon cancer. Most of our kids have experienced her classroom finesse, so this one is sorta personal.
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Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Post Election Ponderings

So, another Presidential election is now one for the history books. And what a history it is!

I have no idea if the American people elected the right leader. I do wonder if the two choices put before us were the absolute best that this country has to offer. I, personally, know men and women who seem better suited to the job. But I know of no one with enough common sense AND humility who would put themselves and their families into the circus we call public service. Anyone with any mistakes or errors of judgement is subjected to such scrutiny that we would all fail the test on some level.

As for the people who have strong beliefs that this was the right OR wrong choice, if we've made the wrong choice, we get another chance to vote in 4 years and rectify our mistakes, if we've made the right choice, we can live in peace (hopefully) and freedom, knowing that our voices were heard. That's the beauty of the American Democratic system.

Monday, November 03, 2008

Time Flies

Where did the weekend go? It sure seemed to fly by...

We didn't have very many trick or treaters this year. We never do, but we seem to get fewer and fewer each year. Our neighbors hosted a party next door; we put out a sign directing the little goblins to the party place. All of us put our candy in a row on a bench and when the few trick or treaters came by they could get a huge ration at one time.

Saturday evening we had another get-together: dinner and dominoes. Had a great time, but it was a long night. Luckily, we had that extra hour with day light savings time ending... Kevin and I came in second place (as a couple) and got a book--something like The 1000 place your must see before you die. I think I'd better get busy. Gonzales, Louisiana wasn't on the list. No accounting for taste.

Yesterday was alot of puttering around the house. We got the cushions off the deck furniture just before it started snowing. Made a big pot of spaghetti sauce, knitted a bit. Essentially, took it easy.

Now the week begins again. Lots to do, not enough time (or energy) to do it all.