Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Doctors who go beyond...

Who has ever heard of a doctor, a surgeon no less, making a housecall?

Megan's gynecological oncologist called yesterday and asked if she could come up and visit. She came after a full day of surgery, still in her scrubs. She sat with Megan and then visited with the rest of us. She had a note for Megan which she said she had to write because she wouldn't be able to say the words. It was beautiful--she wrote that she named her clinic the Monarch Women's Cancer Center because she believes that transformations take place with cancer, sometimes through a cure, sometimes not. And she finished the note by saying that she was certain that Megan would be transformed into the strong healthy woman she once was. And that she would miss her.

I've never witnessed such compassionate care in my entire life... We are fortunate to have found such a doctor. I wish no less for everyone with any life-threatening disease.


Lori Renn said...

People like her are angels here on earth. God bless her.

Crazed Nitwit said...

We had several docs who made house calls and simply went out of their way to make our situation easier.

I'm so glad Megan had such a loving doctor.

Bertamom said...

What a blessing to have such a caring doctor. Her words brought tears to my eyes.

Sue said...

What a wonderful thing to do.

Steph Riedel said...

That is amazing and I have tears in my eyes....we need more people like that in the world !!!!