Wednesday, September 27, 2006


Aren't surprises the best? Megan and I just pulled a great one. My family knew that I was arriving for a visit. They were unaware that Megan would be tagging along. So, I met my parents at the curb of the New Orleans airport, put my luggage in the trunk, then looked around and announced, "Oh, I've forgotten something. I need to run back in." I went back into the terminal and brought Megan out with me. It was GREAT! Then when Syd got to my folks' house, I sent her upstairs to get her "birthday present" off the bed. I could hear her yelling to Megan (who videotaped the whole thing), "I just talked to you on the phone!"

I just love good surprises.

Monday, September 18, 2006

Happy 24th Anniversary

Okay--so I'm not the best at keeping an up-to-date blog. Friends, I know many of you are concerned that I am still somewhere in the Baltic Sea. Never fear, we made it home from our journeys in reasonably sane shape. Had a great time. If I ever figure out how to post photos, I'll put a couple on this blog.

Today is our 24th wedding anniversary. My, how time flies! Or does it creep? Depends on the day, I guess. We're having quite the ride though. Planning on going out to dinner and thats about it. Kevin leaves tomorrow for Tulsa; I leave Wednesday for Louisiana.

Megan spent 3 nights on the lovely 8th floor of LDS hospital recently. Diagnosis--bowel obstruction. Things seem better. She started a new drug, Doxil. Its giving her terrible mouth sores. Poor thing can only eat very soft, cold, bland stuff.

Syd is still Syd. Going 20 different directions without a map. I'll see her in a couple of days and celebrate LSU's Homecoming with her.

So, until the next post...

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