Monday, July 30, 2007

The High Uintahs

I went into the Uintah Mountains for a little mental vacation this weekend. I really needed to get away from the activity of town to ease my troubled soul. Here are a few pictures I took. I hope they capture the peace and beauty of the area:

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Kelli said...

gorgeous photos.
I like the one with the red canoe the best.

Akkire said...

where is this?! its beautiful and I want to go!

Akkire said...

ahh, i see. youre in utah! of course. utah is one place i must go to feel fulfilled before dying. i really want to see the desert and arches national park.

thanks for checking out my blog! i'll keep writing if i know you'll keep checking :)

Dreamin' of Paradise said...

What Beauty, Marie. I'd like to go on a mental vacation there as well. I hope you feel more rejuvenated now. How's the remodel coming along?