Monday, November 10, 2008

Back Stage Pass

Kevin and I had the opportunity to go back stage at last week's Collin Ray concert. It was a very small venue, probably 200 seats, so it was very intimate and comfortable. The acoustics were fabulous. And to be able to go back and meet the singer...well it was alot more than I expected. He was as down to earth and sweet as we could have hoped.

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Lori Renn said...

I love going to concerts in very small venues. They are so much better than the huge arenas. How fun for you!

Bertamom said...

What a treat! I admit, I don't know Collin Ray's music, but that doesn't really matter - I'll have to check it out on iTunes!

Kelli said...

Totally agree, small venues are the best! Hope you had a great Thanksgiving.