Friday, October 31, 2008

Halloween Party

The annual Spice Girls Bunko Halloween party was last night. Oh, what fun. Lots of creative costumes and time spent with some great gals.

Here's me in my prize winning, fat ballerina costume...
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Lets see, also in attendance: a whoopie cushion, a fat chef, a very sexy Bo Peep, and my personal favorite, Paradise (a pair of dice, get it?)


Lori Renn said...

I love your costume! LoL! Thanks for the laugh this morning!

Bertamom said...

Oh Miss Marie - you are awesome! And it did take me a little bit "Paradise? What's that?" Looks like a fun party!

Kelli said...

These are hilarious! I love them all...and need to remember that clever "paradise" next year.

Thank you, by the bye for your compliments on my outfits! Believe it or not, that wardrobe mirror? My darling mother found it at a Pottery Barn outlet for $60! She knew I'd always wanted a mirror like that and snatched it up immediately. It was an early Xmas present. (And I owe her big time b/c I love it so!)